Saturday, August 16, 2003

Multimedia Presentations

VoPP Presnetation

Rick Ronan

Unit 1

Lecture 1

Class is a junior level class of adults who plan on working hard. We are going to develop multimedia skills.
Read the Syllabus
Each unit is available on Thursday with the clock starting on it on Sunday. Unit work is done the following Sunday and it is closed 21 days after it is opened.
Each week we will have 2 of 3 things to do out of the following:
  • Projects - Exercises from the text - they can be shared with all - 45 points - grade will be returned ASAP

  • Threaded Discussions - Assigned by instructor - 45 points

    1. Respond to instructor question by Tuesday of the week

    2. Respond to 2 other students coments by 11:59PM of Sunday ending week

  • Webliography - designed to build content - shared tools in Multimedia - must be unique - first student claims credit, others find a different one - 45 points

This means since there is 2 out of 3 assigned there is 90 points available this way. An extra 10 points will be given each week for what is called the "wow factor". The student that does the best of the best in his/her assignments.
Presentation                        10 @ 45      450
Threaded discussions        10 @ 45      450
Webliography                      10 @ 45      450
Extra Credit Possible                               150
A = 90% or better [1350 or better]
B = 80 to 89% [1200 to 1349]
C = 70 to 79%       [1050 to 1159]
D = 60 to 69%       [900 to 1049]
F less that 60 % [899 or less]

Lecture 2

Hardware and Software needed for the class
Pentium Class computer
   Memory - more the better
   Monitor - Bigger is better
   Video - more memory on it better
   Modem - 56K or DSL [faster better]
   Zip drive or CD burner
   Digital Still Equipment or video - nice to have

Windows of some sort
Office Suite with Power Point (plus some image editor and photo draw program)
[Look at Star Office 5.2 [MY NOTE - it is now OpenOffice.ORG] Price is free
Browser IE 5.0 or better - Netscape 6 or better
Internet - faster better

Lecture 3

Unit is really week
Broken up into:
1. Daily Concepts
2. Learning Objectives
3. Reading
4. Lecture
5. Project
6. Threaded Discussion
7. Webliography
8. Coolest Thing

Project/Threaded Discussion/Webliography should take 2 to 3 hours a week.

Lecture 4

How much work should we do?
Reading will be aprox. 1 1/2 chapters a week (40 Pages)
the 2 out of 3 projects should take about 1 hour each or more.

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