Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Computer Arch.

Computer Systems 2nd Editon, Warford, J. Stanley

Chapter 4 Section 1 and 2
We can look at a specific computer and learn things just for it, ignoring other computers or we can look at a hypothetical computer to learn in general how all computers work. We will use a hypothetical machine called Pep/7. Neither is the best solution, but this will be the way we choose to do things. The notes that follow are on a hypothetical machine.
4.1 Hardware
   CentralProcessing Unit (CPU)
   The Pep/7 contains seven specialized registers in its CPU   
  1. 4 bit status (NZVC)
  2. 16 bit accumulator(A)
  3. 16 bit index (X)
  4. 16 bit base (B)
  5. 16 Bit Program Counter (PC)
  6. 16 Bit stack pointer (SP)
  7. 24 bit instruction register (IR)
In the status register V and C bits hold information for overflow and carry. N and Z are for negative and zero. Accumulator A is where the results are stored. The rest of the registers , X, B, PC, and SP perform special functions.

   Main Memory
   Pep/7 computer contains 32,768 8 bit storage locations or 32, 768 Bytes. (32KBytes) The addresses are from 0 000 to 7FFF (o to 32,767)
   In the Pep/7 a Word is two adjacent bytes, i.e. 16 bits.
   When looking at the contents of an address and an address it is very easy to get the two mixed up. Be carefl not to do that. When written very ofter the format will be in Hexidecimal.

   Input Device
   The Pep/7 has two means of input, keyboard and file (gui will use a window)
   Output Device
   The Pep/7 has two means of exput, screen and file (gui will use a window)
   Data and Control
   Data flows from the input device to the bus by a control signal. The CPU has data flow in and out of it and sends the contol signals out. Main memory has data flow in and out and recives a signal to do so. Output receives data by the control signal.
   Instruction Format
    Since all computers have their own set of instructions wired into them ours wil be no different. We will have 32 instructions that we will use. Each instruction specifier is a single byte and then is followed by a operand specifier, a place where the action is going to take place either to or from. If they do not have an operand specifier they are called unuary instructions. The instructions would be built as follows
  1. 5 bit operation code
  2. 1 bit register specifier (which register it will effect)
  3. 2 bit addrssing mode specifier
The register specifier is 0 if it will change A (Accumulator) or 1 if it will change X (index register). The 2 bit addressing mode is 00 for immediate, 01 for direct, 10 for stack relative, and 11 for Indexed. This is the register that will be affected.

4.2Character I/O and Direct Addressing
Input and output are done by the ASCII charachter set. Pressing a key sends a ASCII code to the bus and then to memory. At this level though all is done through address locations.
   Direct Addresing
   adressing mode specifier specifies the memory location that you will work with. 01 is direct addressing and the perand is the specified address. We will now look at 12 codes from the Pep/7

00000 Stop Execution
Stops the computer (Pep/7 computer that is)

00001 Load Operand into Register R
Loads one word into either index register (1) or accumulator (0)Sets the N bit if info transfered is negative, sets Z if ti is 0. otherwise clears them. It does not change what in memory but what is in register is blown away.

00010 Store Register R to Operand
Reverse of one shown before. Takes information from register and loads it into a memory location. Register is not effected but memory location is altered.

00011 Add Operand to Register R
Takes what is in memory locations specified and adds it to register specified and stores in register.

00100 Subtract Operand from Register R
Similiar to Add but it does a subtraction instead.

00101 AND Operand to Register R
Does the boolean operation to memory location and register and stores in register.

00110 OR Operad to Register R
Similar to AND but Bollean OR is done instead.

00111 Ones' Compliment of Register R
does 1's compliment to registry and stores back in registry. No memory used.

01010 Load Byte Operator into Register R
Loads a byte (1/2 of a word) into register. Moves info into the right 1/2 of the register. It leaves left half unchanged.

01011 Store Byte from Register R to Operand
Stores right 1/2 of register into memory location listed.

11011 Charachter Input to Operand
Takes ASCII character on the input stream and moves it to a byte in memory. Ignores the register bit.

11100 Charachter Output from Operand
takes the ASCII charachter in memory location and sends it to output device.

Monday, September 08, 2003

Chapter 3 Getting Started In Multimedia
Chapter Overview
Finding your place in the field
   Whart area of Multimedia am I good at, what tools do I have the most fun with? What creative areas am I good at? Hands on or manage others? Of what I am good at, what makes most money
   Tools of the trade
      What do I need to do the job right?
         Bigger is better.
            17 inch and .28 dot pitch is minimum
            When possible buy multisync so that you can change screen resolutions

      Sound Cards
         Buy Sound Blaster
               Since they are the standard there will be no compatability problems on your part

         Bigger is not better, in fact it is just more expensive
               300 DPI should be more thatn enough unless you are doing printing press output
               Optical resolution how many DPI it has
               Interpolated resolution - what the software will convert it to for higher quality work.

      Digital Cameras
         Do research on the best that is available
               Look for different ways to transfer the files (memry stick, cable, floppy)
               minimum size for pictures is 640x480

      Video Capture Cards
         Look for 640x480 as minimum with 30 frames per second video capture as well as video playback
             Make sure it has print to video capability.
             Make sure the software will capture or export to a non proprietery format

      Hard Disk Drive Space and Removable Large-Capicity Storage
        Multimedia eats up sapce so the more hard drive space the better.
             needs to have fast data-transfer rates
            Zip drives are common, make sure to get one, larger capicity one if possible
            Jaz drives hold 2 Gig, but are not common, make sure people you work with would have one.
            Re-writale CD-ROMS good idea but make sure formats compatable.
      CD-ROM Burners
         Prices are droping
         get them

The Mutimedia Computer - The Promised Fulfilled
   Mac or PC - Does it Really Matter?
   Which one are you more familiar with?
   each has advantages and disadvatages.

The Multimedia Production Cycle
   Multimedia Project Planning
      Use a tool that will allow you to bring all the different parts of the project together
      This will keep "feature creep" from entering in
      A good example would be Allen Communications's Designer's Edge Pro
      Project planning software like Microsoft roject series is good also
      Get the customer to commit finacially before you start work
      Set milstones that you and the customer can agree on (make sure to estimates in case of problems

      Draw out what the project will look like and post it on corkboard or wall
   Media Components
      Put your pieces of the project out
         See which one relies on the others to be done.
         keep them in an organized system on your hard drive.

      Evaluate what you will need to do
      get the tools lined up for it.

   Production and Postproduction
      Postproduction is the art of taking what you have produced and taking the flatness out of it.
   Do not test project yourself
      you will anticipate the problems and overlook them
      do not have customer test this could ruin your repuatation
      Have someone look at the project.

   Product Delivery
   Deliver the project how the customer wants it.
Multimedia Delivery Systems
   What methods available
         Floppy slow, to small,
         Hard disk, fastest, limited to sapce availble on HD
         CD ROM 650 MB FAST cannot update
         DVD-ROM 14 GB same as CD ROM
         Internet Infnite capcity (??) - variable speed. easily change the material
         Intranet - same as Internet

The Internet
   Connects to millions of computers
   Infinte storage and retrival capacity
   Uniform graphical enviornment
   Playform independant
   Publishing power in the hands of the masses.
   Multimedia on tap
   Built in redundency-proofing

Working in the Industry
   The industry needs people with the ability to put it together to work
   Where are the exciting jobs?
      Promotional CD-ROM production
      Multimedia Web Site Development
      Multimedia supplement to cretive industries
      Working for a multimedia company

   Going it Alone
Avoiding Pitfalls

Multimedia Technology

Notes from on line Voice over Power Point

Getting Started with Multimedia

Your place in the field. Author focuses on the multimedia companies and not that it will be everywhere.
Your job is to learn learn learn.
What path should you take... Deal with the dilemma... forget about it, get training and then decide what you are going to do

The more the better
Need Cd/DVD
Sound 16 Bit/Soundblaster (they created it)
Color Printer
High speed modem
Large capacity storage
Nice to have
Digitizing table
flatbed scanner
digital camera
video capture card/video printing card
good quality microphone
VCR compatible with video capture card.
Graphic Design photo editing
Adobe Photoshop
Jac's Paint Shop Pro
Corel's Photo-paint
3D modeling and animations Apps
Caligrais's TrueSpace
Metacretions Ray Dream Studio
Light wave 3 D New Teck
Inspire 3D

Kai's Supergoo
Gryphone Software Morph
Ulead/Softkey Morph Studio

Digitial SOund editing
SOnic Foundry Sound Forge
Macromedia Sound Edit 16

Digital Editing
Adobe Premier
Ulead Video Studio Pro

Authoring Software
Macro Director
Macro Authoware
Multimedia Fusion
Asymetrix Tool Box

Web Authoring
netscape Composer
Corel Web Designer
Front Page

Other Nice software
Batch file converter
Web animation software
web specific graphic tools.
Quick prototype presentations (Power point)
collections of stock images, sounds, photos, etc.

In hardware
scanners are a case where bigger is not better
you will pay a lot more money for large DPI scanners but will not give you better performance for what you need for work
Digital camera better is bigger
Talking head camera is OK in $25 range.

Video Capture Card
Full screen
write to vcr

HD space more better
zip/jaz drives burnable CD are all necessary

See page 52 to see absolute system
Mac or PC
You dance with the gal that brought you to the dance.
Use what you have

Multimedia Production cycle
project planning
Who are you trying to reach with how much and what.
story boarding
Conceptualize what you want to do
media components
What are you going to use and how are you going to do it.
Pre-post and production

testing and delivery.
test the product before you delivery

Delivery system
Floppy 1.44 M to small
HD> 20 to 80 GB
CD 650 MB
DVD 14000 MB
Internet Infinite.
Greatest technical advance since invention of the computer itself
Internet is to now what Guttenberg printing press was to 1550

Work in Industry
CD Promos
Web Developments
Ad agencies
A MM company