Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Web Design and Marketing Week 3 reading 1 - – Develop a Plan:

  1. Create a plan
    1. Way for all to agree what site
      1. is to do
      2. in what time frame
      3. with what resources
      4. at what cost
    2. Before starting think on these things
      1. Scope
      2. Audience
      3. Objectives
  2. Determining Scope
    1. Entire organization/small part of one
    2. What is topic
    3. Will it be for a particular audience
  3. Identify User Audience
    1. What groups do you want to reach
    2. What are their needs
  4. Set Objectives
    1. What do you want to achieve with web site
      1. Not just ‘give information’
      2. Think of it in business terms

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