Friday, August 20, 2004

Fundamentals of Supervision

Book: Supervision: Key Link to Productivity 8e, Rue, Leslie and Byaas, Lloyd
Chapter 2 Making Sound and Creative Decisions
  1. Decision Making versus Problem Solving
    1. Decision Making - choosing from various alternatives
    2. Problem Solving - Process of deciding an appropriate response to resolve a problem
    3. While they are similar problem solving involves decisions but not all decisions are caused by problems
    4. Program versus Nonprogrammed Decisions
      1. Programmed - automatic response to a problem that arises, routine things
      2. Nonprogrammed Decisions - responses to one or limited time events, non-routine things
  2. Recognition and Timeliness of the Decision
    1. Recognition that there is a decision that needs to be made is the first step to resolving the decision.
    2. Do not fall into one of the three traps
      1. Always making quick decisions
      2. Always taking too much time to make a decision
      3. Avoiding making a decision at all
  3. Steps in the Decision-Making Process
    1. Be alert to Indications and Symptoms of Problems - do not ignore signs that a problem is coming
    2. Tentatively Define the Problem - What you think may be the problem may not be. Does a worker make bad parts because he is careless or because his equipment is broken?
    3. Collect Facts and Redefine the Problem If Necessary - collect the information necessary to define the problem or maybe redefine it
    4. Identify Possible Alternatives - Do not just come up with one or two solutions. Minimum should be four, best to have more.
    5. Gather and Organize Facts Concerning Identified Alternatives - Research to find the best solution for your problem
    6. Evaluate Possible Alternatives - With the facts gathered decide what would be the benefits and problems with each decisions
    7. Choose and Implement the Best Alternative - Keep your personal biases from influencing the decision. Do not choose a plan just to make a choice if alternatives are bad.
    8. The Follow-Up - Ask the necessary question, Did it work? What went wrong and why?
  4. Group Decision Making
    1. Advantages
      1. More alternatives to choose from
      2. People accept choices that they have participated in
      3. The sum total of knowledge of group is greater than any one person
    2. Disadvantages
      1. Takes more time
      2. Groupthink, pressure for the group to think alike, may occur
      3. One person can dominate the group if not careful
      4. Competition for pet ideas can become intense
      5. Groups tend to go with the first proposal that meets standards needed
    3. Supervisor needs to set down the rules for the decision, does he have the right to reject the idea or ideas presented. What limits are on the group
  5. practical Traps to Avoid When Making Decisions
    1. Making all decisions BIG decisions
    2. Creating Crisis Situations
    3. Failing to consult with others
    4. Never admitting a mistake
    5. Constantly regretting decisions made
    6. Failing to utilize precedents and policies
    7. Promising what cannot be delivered
    8. Delaying decisions too long
  6. Making Creative Decisions
    1. The Creative Person - creativity is not something that you have or do not, all people have it to some degree or another
    2. Improving Personal Creativity
      1. Most people let creativity dry up as they get older
      2. To improve creativity:
        1. Think outside the box
        2. Do not be limited by practicality
        3. Let your subconscious mind work on the problem

    3. Establishing and maintaining a creative climate
      1. Demonstrate you value creativity
      2. Brainstorming - gather people together to get ideas no matter how impractical it may seem
      3. Brainwriting - same process but ideas are written on paper and then expounded on by others anonymously
      4. Synectics - make the familiar strange and make the strange familiar
    4. Barriers to Organizational Creativity
      1. Fear of failure
      2. Premature criticism (of ideas)
      3. The supervisor's shadow - do not create environment where workers give you what you want to hear
      4. Distractions and interruptions
      5. Protection of status quo
      6. Hierarchical idea filters - the more levels it must go up to get accomplished, the more it will get distorted or lost
      7. Appropriated ideas - do not take credit for ideas that come from subordinates
      8. Lack of support - ideas enhanced when supported by supervisors and co-workers
      9. Excessive togetherness

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