Systems Analysis and Design
Book: Systems Analysis and Design 6e Kendell & Kendall
Chapter 1 Assuming the Role of the System Analyst
- Types of Systems
- Transaction Processing Systems
- TPS are computerized information systems developed to process large amounts of data for routine transactions
- They span boundaries inside and outside the organization
- Office Automation Systems and Knowledge Work Systems
- OAS support data workers who analyze and ransform data then share it
- Covers word processing, spreadsheets, e-mail and the like.
- KWS aids professional workers in sharing new knowledge they create.
- OAS support data workers who analyze and ransform data then share it
- Management Information Systems
- MIS includes the element of TPS talked about before
- Inputs information from many sources (people and computers) and outputs information to help management make decisions
- Stores information in databases
- Decision Support Systems
- DSS similar to MIS
- Emphasizes the support of decision making
- Decision is still up to manager using it
- Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence
- AI is all encompassing field for expert systems
- AI develops machines that mimic intelligent behavior
- Expert Systems use AI to solve problems of users by selecting the best solution unlike DSS suggesting solution
- Group Decision Support Systems and Computer Collaborative Work Systems
- GDSS bring groups together to help solve problems by using various software tools
- Also called CCWS or groupware
- Executive Support Systems
- ESS helps executives interact with environments
- Transaction Processing Systems
- Integrated Technologies for Systems
- Ecommerce Applications and Web Systems
- Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- Systems for Wireless and Handheld Devices
- Wireless systems need to made secure
- Software needs to be developed to make PDAs and the like useable by people in company
- Open Source Software
- Need for System Analysis and Design
- You can not do any thing without proper planning first
- System Analysis brings all the parties together to build a system that will work
- Roles of System Analyst
- System Analyst as Consultant
- Hired as a temporary person
- Fresh eyes for problem - good
- Does not know organizational culture - bad
- Rely on users and management to lead to where problems could be
- Hired as a temporary person
- System Analyst as Supporting Expert
- Regular employee at company
- Usually not full blown Systems Analyst project, just supporting people by making small changes and tweaking things
- System Analyst as an Agent of Change
- You are an agent of change if participate in the System Development Life Cycle
- If change, defined as needed improvements, is required you help plan for that change
- Qualities of the System Analyst
- Problem solver
- Know various aspects of computers
- Self-disciplined and self-motivated
- System Analyst as Consultant
- The System Development Life Cycle
- Identifying Problems, Opportunities, and Objectives
- Look at what is occurring then pinpoint the problems
- Identify what the objectives are to be
- Output from this phase will be feasibility study so group can decide to continue or not
- Determining Information Requirements
- Determine what people need
- Interview people doing job
- Observe people doing job
- Find out current method and why it is used
- Change current method if it needs changing
- Determine what people need
- Analyzing System Needs
- Use tools to diagram what is happening
- Create structured decisions to help respond to actions
- structured English
- decision tables
- decision trees
- When done, cost should be established for each possible resolution and analyst makes recommendation
- Designing the Recommended System
- Design user interface
- Design data storage needs
- Design controls and backup procedures to protect data
- Developing and Documenting Software
- Develop material so programmer can understand what is needed (ex. Pseudo code)
- Develop documentation to help user (manuals, FAQs, etc.)
- Testing and Maintaining the System
- Test system before turned over to users (not after)
- Maintenance is on going item. Tweak system to fix problems as they rise
- Implementing and Evaluating the System
- Last stage
- Train the users to use new system (or revisions of old)
- Evaluate if system does job
- These steps are not cyclical, but one steps problems may require you to backtrack to previous ones
- The Impact of Maintenance
- Estimates of 48 to 60 % of time in job involves maintenance
- At some point maintaining system cost more than developing new system
- Identifying Problems, Opportunities, and Objectives
- Using CASE Tools
- Reasons for Using CASE Tools
- Increased analyst productivity
- tools make it easy for modifications to be done to system
- CASE tools can create program code for company
- Improve Analyst-User communications
- Integrate life cycle activities - flow from one step to next easily
- Accuracy in assessing maintenance changes
- Increased analyst productivity
- Reasons for Using CASE Tools
- Upper and Lower CASE
- Upper CASE Tools
- Create and modify the system design
- Support for modeling an organizations layout
- Prototyping of screens and reports
- Lower CASE Tools
- Generate source code
- Quicker than programmers can write it
- lower cost on generating code and maintenance
- Code produced in multiple languages supports easy migration
- Easy modification of already existing CASE designs speeds development.
- Generated code free of errors in coding, only design errors can be there.
- Generate source code
- Upper CASE Tools
- Software Reverse Engineering and Reengineering
- Extends life of legacy software
- Code is revised back to source code and then put into CASE tools to revise it
- Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design
- Approach to design software that must be changed rapidly to meet needs
- OOL uses Universal Modeling Language (UML) to break system to case model
- Objects represent computer things, people, orders, etc.
- Extreme Programming and Other Alternative Methodologies
- Extreme Programming (XP)
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